The format library contains a collection of formatting methods either written or collected to make my life easier. These methods are not validators, they all work under the assumption that the input is valid already.
npm install --save @danehansen/format
As a module:
import * as format from '@danehansen/format';
var zip = '902101234'
zip = format.zipCode(zip);
In your browser:
<script src='danehansen-format.min.js'></script>
var format = window.danehansen.format;
var zip = '902101234'
zip = format.zipCode(zip);
- creditCard(str:String, secure:_ = '_'):String
Accepts a valid 15-16 digit credit card number and puts the spaces in appropriately. Optionally will replace all digits except the last 4 with another character.
- dollars(amount:Float, showCents:Boolean = true):String
Turns a float into a properly formatted string with commas and dollar sign.
- expiration(str:String):String
Formats a month/year date as MM/YY.
- phoneNumber(str:String, delimiter:String):String
Formats a phone number as 1 (234) 567-8910 by default or else with an optional delimiter like 123.456.7891
- prepend(str:String, len:uint, char:String = '0'):String
Prepends a string with a character until it reaches a minimum length.
- seperateThousands(str:*):String
Formats a number or string like 1,234,567,890.
- time(h:uint, m:uint, s:uint, ms:uint, delimiter:String = ':'):String
Formats a time like 01:02:03:004. If hours or milliseconds are not supplied, they will be left off the string.
- toRomanNumeral(num:uint):String
Formats a positive integer into roman numerals.
- toTitleCase(str:String):String
Formats string into title case.
- unicode(str:String):String
Converts a string to unicode.
- zipCode(str:String, country:String = 'us'):String
Formats a US zipcode like 12345-6789 or a Canadian one like A1B 2C3.